Annemarie Carlson Drake
Annmarie trained in Chicago with Ed Parish and Larry Long and at the legendary Stone-Camryn School of Ballet, followed by study in NYC (Finis Jung, David Howard, Maggie Black), London (Anna Northcote) and Paris (Raymond Franchetti, Gilbert Mayer). She has a BFA from Butler University with a dance major, music and theatre minors. After dancing briefly with Ruth Page’s Chicago Ballet, like many of her contemporaries she turned to Europe for a career, dancing in the German opera companies of Oldenburg, Osnabrück, Hagen, and Kiel .
Annmarie taught in leading dance academies in Frankfurt, Germany and Graz, Austria. In Minneapolis, she was on the faculty of the professional division of Northwest Ballet and Minnesota Dance Theatre.
In 1986, she was one of a dozen dancers/choreographers/teachers chosen by the Citizens’ Exchange Council to visit the then Soviet Union, meeting with professional counterparts in Moscow and Leningrad (St. Petersburg). As a choreographer, Ms. Drake is known for her reinterpretation of the classics, and use of multimedia. Her choreography has been presented at the Theater Kiel, Walker Art Center, and the Minnesota Dance Festival at the Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul. E-mail: Info@DanceExpressMankato.com